Source code for fragile.optimize.policy

from typing import Optional, Union

from judo import random_state
import numpy

from fragile.core.policy import Gaussian
from fragile.core.typing import StateData, StateDict, Tensor

[docs]class ParticleIntegration(Gaussian): default_outputs = ("actions", "velocities") default_inputs = {"velocities": {"clone": True}, "dt": {"optional": True}} @property def param_dict(self) -> StateDict: params = super(ParticleIntegration, self).param_dict if self.swarm is None: return params return {**{"velocities": self.swarm.env.param_dict["observs"]}, **params}
[docs] def act(self, inplace: bool = True, **kwargs) -> Union[None, StateData]: """Calculate SwarmState containing the data needed to interact with the environment.""" action_input = self._prepare_tensors(**kwargs) actions_data = self.select_actions(**action_input) if not isinstance(actions_data, dict): actions_data = {"actions": actions_data} actions = actions_data["actions"] actions_data["actions"] = self.env_bounds.clip(actions) if inplace: self.update(**actions_data) else: return actions_data
[docs] def select_actions(self, **kwargs) -> Union[Tensor, StateData]: actions = super(ParticleIntegration, self).select_actions(**kwargs) dt = self.get("dt", default=1.0, raise_error=False) velocity_0 = self.get("velocities") velocities = velocity_0 + actions * dt actions = velocity_0 + velocities * dt return {"velocities": velocities, "actions": actions}
[docs] def reset( self, inplace: bool = True, root_walker: Optional[StateData] = None, states: Optional[StateData] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Union[None, StateData]: data = self.select_actions(**kwargs) if inplace: self.update(velocities=data["velocities"]) return data
[docs]class ESModel(Gaussian): """ The ESModel implements an evolutionary strategy policy. It mutates randomly some of the coordinates of the best solution found by \ substituting them with a proposal solution. This proposal solution is the \ difference between two random permutations of the best solution found. It applies a gaussian normal perturbation with a probability given by ``mutation``. """ def __init__( self, mutation: float = 0.5, recombination: float = 0.7, random_step_prob: float = 0.1, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize a :class:`ESModel`. Args: mutation: Probability of mutating a coordinate of the solution vector. recombination: Step size of the update applied to the best solution found. random_step_prob: Probability of applying a random normal perturbation. *args: Passed to the parent :class:`NormalContinuous`. **kwargs: Passed to the parent :class:`NormalContinuous`. """ super(ESModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mutation = mutation self.recombination = recombination self.random_step_prob = random_step_prob
[docs] def sample( self, batch_size: int, model_states=None, env_states=None, walkers_states=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculate the corresponding data to interact with the Environment and \ store it in model states. Args: batch_size: Number of new points to the sampled. model_states: SwarmState corresponding to the environment data. env_states: SwarmState corresponding to the model data. walkers_states: SwarmState corresponding to the walkers data. kwargs: Passed to the :class:`Critic` if any. Returns: Tuple containing a tensor with the sampled actions and the new model states variable. """ # There is a chance of performing a gaussian perturbation if random_state.random() < self.random_step_prob: return super(ESModel, self).sample( batch_size=batch_size, env_states=env_states, model_states=model_states, **kwargs, ) observs = ( env_states.observs if env_states is not None else numpy.zeros(((batch_size,) + self.shape)) ) has_best = walkers_states is not None and walkers_states.best_state is not None best = walkers_states.best_state if has_best else observs # Choose 2 random indices indexes = numpy.arange(observs.shape[0]) a_rand = self.random_state.permutation(indexes) b_rand = self.random_state.permutation(indexes) proposal = best + self.recombination * (observs[a_rand] - observs[b_rand]) # Randomly mutate each coordinate of the original vector assert observs.shape == proposal.shape rands = random_state.random(observs.shape) perturbations = numpy.where(rands < self.mutation, observs, proposal) # The Environment will sum the observations to perform the step new_states = perturbations - observs actions = self.bounds.clip(new_states) return self.update_states_with_critic( actions=actions, batch_size=batch_size, model_states=model_states, env_states=env_states, walkers_states=walkers_states, **kwargs, )
[docs]class CMAES(Gaussian): """Implementation of CMAES algorithm from""" def __init__(self, sigma: float, virtual_reward_fitness: bool = False, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize a :class:`CMAES`. Args: sigma: Coordinate-wise standard deviation. virtual_reward_fitness: Use the virtual reward instead of the environment \ reward to as a fitness measure. *args: Passed to :class:`NormalContinuous`.__init__. **kwargs: Passed to :class:`NormalContinuous`.__init__. """ super(CMAES, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Parameters for selection self.virtual_reward_fitness = virtual_reward_fitness self.pop_size = None self.sigma = sigma self._count_eval = 0 # Number of function evaluations performed self.x_mean = None # Objective variables initial point self.old_x_mean = None # x_mean corresponding to the last iteration # Parameters for adaptation that are kept constant self.mu_const = None # Number of parents/points for recombination self.weights_const = None # Array for weighted recombination self.mu_eff_const = None # variance-effectiveness of sum w_i x_i self.cum_covm_const = None # Time constant for accumulation for cov_matrix self.cum_sigma_const = None # Time constant for accumulation for sigma control self.lr_covrank1_const = None # Learning rate for rank-one update of cov_matrix self.lr_mu_const = None # Learning rate for rank-mu_const update self.damp_sigma_const = None # Damping for sigma. Usually close to one. self.chi_norm_const = None # expectation of ||N(0,I)|| == norm(randn(N,1)) # Dynamic (internal) strategy parameters and constants self.paths_covm = None # Evolution paths for cov_matrix self.paths_sigma = None # Evolution paths for sigma self.coords_matrix = None # Defines the coordinate system self.scaling_diag = None # Diagonal matrix that defines the scaling self.cov_matrix = None # Covariance matrix self.invsqrtC = None # cov_matrix^-1/2 self.n_eigen_eval = None # Tracks update of coords_matrix and scaling_diag self.artmp = None # Temporal array that contains terms for updating the covariance matrix self.hsig = None
[docs] def sample( self, batch_size: int, model_states=None, env_states=None, walkers_states=None, **kwargs, ): """ Calculate the corresponding data to interact with the Environment and \ store it in model states. Args: batch_size: Number of new points to the sampled. model_states: SwarmState corresponding to the environment data. env_states: SwarmState corresponding to the model data. walkers_states: SwarmState corresponding to the walkers data. kwargs: Passed to the :class:`Critic` if any. Returns: Tuple containing a tensor with the sampled actions and the new model states variable. """ if model_states is None or walkers_states is None: return super(CMAES, self).sample( batch_size=batch_size, model_states=model_states, env_states=env_states, walkers_states=walkers_states, **kwargs, ) actions = ( env_states.get("observs") if self._count_eval > self.pop_size * 2 else model_states.get("actions") ) fitness = ( walkers_states.get("virtual_rewards") if self.virtual_reward_fitness else walkers_states.get("cum_rewards") ) sorted_fitness = numpy.argsort(fitness)[: self.mu_const] selected_actions = actions[sorted_fitness].T self._update_evolution_paths(selected_actions) self._adapt_covariance_matrix(selected_actions) self._adapt_sigma() self._cov_matrix_diagonalization() actions = self._sample_actions() return self.update_states_with_critic( actions=actions, batch_size=batch_size, model_states=model_states, **kwargs, )
[docs] def _update_evolution_paths(self, actions): self.old_x_mean = self.x_mean self.x_mean = numpy.matmul(actions, self.weights_const) # Update evolution paths self.paths_sigma = (1 - self.cum_sigma_const) * self.paths_sigma + numpy.sqrt( self.cum_sigma_const * (2 - self.cum_sigma_const) * self.mu_eff_const, ) * numpy.matmul(self.invsqrtC, (self.x_mean - self.old_x_mean)) / self.sigma sqrt_term = numpy.sqrt( 1 - (1 - self.cum_sigma_const) ** (2 * self._count_eval / self.pop_size), ) self.hsig = float( numpy.linalg.norm(self.paths_sigma) / sqrt_term / self.chi_norm_const < 1.4 + 2 / (self.n_dims + 1), ) self.paths_covm = (1 - self.cum_covm_const) * self.paths_covm + self.hsig * numpy.sqrt( self.cum_covm_const * (2 - self.cum_covm_const) * self.mu_eff_const, ) * (self.x_mean - self.old_x_mean) / self.sigma
[docs] def _adapt_covariance_matrix(self, actions): self.artmp = (1 / self.sigma) * (actions - numpy.tile(self.old_x_mean, (1, self.mu_const))) self.cov_matrix = ( (1 - self.lr_covrank1_const - self.lr_mu_const) * self.cov_matrix + self.lr_covrank1_const * numpy.matmul(self.paths_covm, self.paths_covm.T) + (1 - self.hsig) * self.cum_covm_const * (2 - self.cum_covm_const) * self.cov_matrix + self.lr_mu_const * numpy.matmul( numpy.matmul(self.artmp, numpy.diag(self.weights_const.flatten())), self.artmp.T, ) )
[docs] def _adapt_sigma(self): self.sigma = self.sigma * numpy.exp( (self.cum_sigma_const / self.damp_sigma_const) * (numpy.linalg.norm(self.paths_sigma) / self.chi_norm_const - 1), )
[docs] def _cov_matrix_diagonalization(self): # Decomposition of cov_matrix into coords_matrix*diag(scaling_diag.^2)*coords_matrix' # (diagonalization) if ( self._count_eval - self.n_eigen_eval > self.pop_size / (self.lr_covrank1_const + self.lr_mu_const) / self.n_dims / 10 ): self.n_eigen_eval = self._count_eval self.cov_matrix = numpy.triu(self.cov_matrix) + numpy.triu(self.cov_matrix, 1).T eigvals, eigvects = numpy.linalg.eig(self.cov_matrix) self.scaling_diag = numpy.diag(eigvals) # [::-1]) self.coords_matrix = eigvects # [:, ::-1] self.scaling_diag = numpy.sqrt(numpy.diag(self.scaling_diag)).reshape(-1, 1) self.invsqrtC = numpy.matmul( numpy.matmul(self.coords_matrix, numpy.diag(self.scaling_diag.flatten() ** -1)), self.coords_matrix.T, )
[docs] def reset( self, batch_size: int = 1, model_states=None, env_states=None, *args, **kwargs, ): """ Return a new blank State for a `DiscreteUniform` instance, and a valid \ prediction based on that new state. Args: batch_size: Number of walkers that the new model `State`. model_states: :class:`StatesModel` corresponding to the model data. env_states: :class:`StatesEnv` containing the environment data. *args: Passed to `predict`. **kwargs: Passed to `predict`. Returns: New model states containing sampled data. """ self.pop_size = batch_size self._count_eval = 0 self._init_algorithm_params(batch_size) # Take the first sample from a random uniform distribution if batch_size is None and env_states is None: raise ValueError("env_states and batch_size cannot be both None.") batch_size = batch_size or env_states.n model_states = model_states or self.create_new_states(batch_size=batch_size) init_actions = self.random_state.randn(self.mu_const) self.x_mean = numpy.matmul(init_actions.T, self.weights_const) actions = self._sample_actions() model_states.update(actions=actions) return model_states
[docs] def _sample_actions(self) -> numpy.ndarray: actions = numpy.empty((self.pop_size, self.n_dims)) for i in range(self.pop_size): normal_noise = self.random_state.randn(self.n_dims).reshape(-1, 1) action = self.x_mean + self.sigma * numpy.matmul( self.coords_matrix, self.scaling_diag * normal_noise, ) actions[i, :] = action.flatten() self._count_eval += 1 return actions
[docs] def _init_algorithm_params(self, batch_size): self.pop_size = batch_size self.mu_const = self.pop_size / 2 # Number of parents/points for recombination self.weights_const = numpy.log(self.mu_const + 0.5) - numpy.log( numpy.arange(1, self.mu_const + 1), ).reshape((-1, 1)) self.mu_const = int(numpy.floor(self.mu_const)) self.weights_const = self.weights_const / numpy.sum(self.weights_const) self.mu_eff_const = numpy.sum(self.weights_const) ** 2 / numpy.sum(self.weights_const**2) # Parameters for adaptation self.cum_covm_const = (4 + self.mu_eff_const / self.n_dims) / ( self.n_dims + 4 + 2 * self.mu_eff_const / self.n_dims ) self.cum_sigma_const = (self.mu_eff_const + 2) / (self.n_dims + self.mu_eff_const + 5) self.lr_covrank1_const = 2 / ((self.n_dims + 1.3) ** 2 + self.mu_eff_const) self.lr_mu_const = numpy.minimum( 1 - self.lr_covrank1_const, 2 * (self.mu_eff_const - 2 + 1 / self.mu_eff_const) / ((self.n_dims + 2) ** 2 + self.mu_eff_const), ) self.damp_sigma_const = ( 1 + 2 * numpy.maximum(0, numpy.sqrt((self.mu_eff_const - 1) / (self.n_dims + 1)) - 1) + self.cum_sigma_const ) # Dynamic (internal) strategy parameters and constants self.paths_covm = numpy.zeros((self.n_dims, 1)) self.paths_sigma = numpy.zeros((self.n_dims, 1)) self.coords_matrix = numpy.eye(self.n_dims) # Defines the coordinate system self.scaling_diag = numpy.ones( (self.n_dims, 1), ) # Diagonal matrix that defines the scaling self.cov_matrix = ( self.coords_matrix * numpy.diag(self.scaling_diag**2) * self.coords_matrix.T ) # Covariance matrix self.invsqrtC = ( self.coords_matrix * numpy.diag(1 / self.scaling_diag.flatten()) * self.coords_matrix.T ) self.n_eigen_eval = 0 # Tracks update of coords_matrix and scaling_diag self.chi_norm_const = self.n_dims**0.5 * ( 1 - 1 / (4 * self.n_dims) + 1 / (21 * self.n_dims**2) )