
Fragile has been tested in Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.04. It supports Python 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. If you find any problems running it in a different OS or Python version please open an issue.

Installing from pip#

Fragile can be installed from pip running

pip install fragile

This will install the package and the dependencies for using the core and optimize modules. It is also possible to install with pip the dependencies for using the other modules

You can install the dependencies for running Atari games with:

pip install fragile["atari"]

The dependencies for the dataviz module can be installed running:

pip install fragile["dataviz"]

To install the dependencies for the distributed module you can run:

pip install fragile["ray"]

The dependencies for running the tests can be installed with:

pip install fragile["test"]

All the dependencies can be installed at once running:

pip install fragile["all"]

Installing from source#

To install fragile from source you can run:

git clone
cd fragile
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements-viz.txt
pip3 install -e .["all"]

Running in Docker#

The fragile docker container will execute a Jupyter notebook accessible on port 8080 with password: fragile

Pulling the Docker image from Docker Hub#

You can pull a docker image from Docker Hub running:

docker pull fragiletech/fragile:version-tag

Where version-tag corresponds to the fragile version that will be installed in the pulled image.

Building the Docker image from source#

After cloning the repository run:

make docker build
docker run -d -p 8080:8080 -v PATH_TO_REPO/fragile fragile

You can also run the tests inside the docker container

make docker-test

You can change the default jupyter notebook password by passing JUPYTER_PASSWORD=your_password as a docker build argument.