Source code for fragile.core.swarm

import copy
from typing import Callable, Optional

import einops
from judo.data_structures.bounds import Bounds
import numpy
import pandas

from fragile.core.api_classes import SwarmAPI
from fragile.core.env import Function
from fragile.core.state import SwarmState

[docs]class Swarm(SwarmAPI):
[docs] def __repr__(self): text = f"{self.__class__.__name__}: walkers {self.n_walkers} iteration {self.epoch}\n" with numpy.printoptions(linewidth=100, threshold=200, edgeitems=9): if hasattr(self, "root"): text += self.root.__repr__() text += f"\nState statistics:\n{self._state_stats_df().round(3)}" return text
[docs] def to_html(self): line_break = '<br style="line-height:1px; content: " ";>' text = ( f"<strong>{self.__class__.__name__}</strong>: " f"walkers {self.n_walkers} iteration {self.epoch}\n" ) with numpy.printoptions(linewidth=100, threshold=200, edgeitems=9): if hasattr(self, "root"): text += self.root.to_html() if hasattr(self, "tree"): text += self.tree.to_html() text += "\n<strong>State statistics</strong>:\n" text = text.replace("\n\n", "\n").replace("\n", line_break) text += f"\n{self._state_stats_df().round(3).to_html()}" return text
[docs] def _state_stats_df(self): skip_print = {"observs", "states", "id_walkers", "parent_ids", "infos", "compas_clone"} data = { k: einops.asnumpy(v) for k, v in self.state.items() if k in self.state.vector_names and k not in skip_print } return pandas.DataFrame(data).astype(float).describe().T.drop(columns=["count"])
[docs] def _setup_inputs(self): # TODO: Make it so it does not override params inputs = { **copy.deepcopy(self.env.inputs), **copy.deepcopy(self.policy.inputs), **copy.deepcopy(self.walkers.inputs), } for callback in self.callbacks.values(): inputs.update(dict(callback.inputs)) self._inputs = inputs
[docs] def _setup_clone_names(self): clone_env = [k for k, v in self.env.inputs.items() if v.get("clone")] clone_policy = [k for k, v in self.policy.inputs.items() if v.get("clone")] clone_walkers = [k for k, v in self.walkers.inputs.items() if v.get("clone")] clone_names = clone_env + clone_policy + clone_walkers for callback in self.callbacks.values(): clone_callback = [k for k, v in callback.inputs.items() if v.get("clone")] clone_names = clone_names + clone_callback self._clone_names = set(list(self.clone_names) + clone_names)
[docs] def _setup_components(self): self.env.setup(self) self.setup_state(n_walkers=self.n_walkers, param_dict=self.env.param_dict) self.policy.setup(self) acc_params = {**self.env.param_dict, **self.policy.param_dict, **self.state.param_dict} self.setup_state(n_walkers=self.n_walkers, param_dict=acc_params) self.walkers.setup(self) acc_params = { **self.env.param_dict, **self.policy.param_dict, **self.walkers.param_dict, **self.state.param_dict, } self.setup_state(n_walkers=self.n_walkers, param_dict=acc_params) for callback in self.callbacks.values(): callback.setup(self) acc_params.update(callback.param_dict) self.setup_state(n_walkers=self.n_walkers, param_dict=acc_params)
[docs]class FunctionMapper(Swarm): """It is a swarm adapted to minimize mathematical functions.""" def __init__( self, minimize: bool = True, start_same_pos: bool = False, **kwargs, ): """ Initialize a :class:`FunctionMapper`. Args: accumulate_rewards: If `True` the rewards obtained after transitioning to a new state will accumulate. If `False` only the last reward will be taken into account. minimize: If `True` the algorithm will perform a minimization process. If `False` it will be a maximization process. start_same_pos: If `True` all the walkers will have the same starting position. **kwargs: Passed :class:`Swarm` __init__. """ super(FunctionMapper, self).__init__( minimize=minimize, **kwargs, ) self.start_same_pos = start_same_pos
[docs] @classmethod def from_function( cls, function: Callable, bounds: Bounds, **kwargs, ) -> "FunctionMapper": """ Initialize a :class:`FunctionMapper` using a python callable and a \ :class:`Bounds` instance. Args: function: Callable representing an arbitrary function to be optimized. bounds: Represents the domain of the function to be optimized. **kwargs: Passed to :class:`FunctionMapper` __init__. Returns: Instance of :class:`FunctionMapper` that optimizes the target function. """ env = Function(function=function, bounds=bounds) return FunctionMapper(env=env, **kwargs)
[docs] def __repr__(self): return "{}\n{}".format(self.env.__repr__(), super(FunctionMapper, self).__repr__())
[docs] def reset( self, root_walker: Optional["OneWalker"] = None, state: Optional[SwarmState] = None, ): """ Reset the :class:`fragile.Walkers`, the :class:`Function` environment, the \ :class:`Model` and clear the internal data to start a new search process. Args: root_walker: Walker representing the initial state of the search. \ The walkers will be reset to this walker, and it will \ be added to the root of the :class:`StateTree` if any. state: StateData dictionary that define the initial state of the Swarm. """ super(FunctionMapper, self).reset(root_walker=root_walker, state=state) if self.start_same_pos: observs = self.get("observs") observs[:] = observs[0] self.update(observs=observs) states = self.get("states", None, raise_error=False) if states is not None: states[:] = states[0] self.update(states=states)